Invention  patent

A total return steam pipeline for preventing backflow of medium pressure steam

A total return steam pipeline for preventing backflow of medium pressure steam

A heat recovery radiator for medium pressure steam shaping machine

A heat recovery radiator for medium pressure steam shaping machine

A medium pressure hot air replenishment device

A medium pressure hot air replenishment device

An intake energy-saving device for shaping machines

An intake energy-saving device for shaping machines

A natural gas pipeline valve that self regulates with heating supply

A natural gas pipeline valve that self regulates with heating supply

A type of shaping machine that uses medium temperature and medium pressure steam for heating

A type of shaping machine that uses medium temperature and medium pressure steam for heating

A dual makeup air system for condensate water heat recycling

A dual makeup air system for condensate water heat recycling

A waste gas treatment and regulation system

A waste gas treatment and regulation system

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